Full Metal Foundations: 90 Day Transformational Seminar

Choose your path:
BUSINESS, Enlightenment, Contentment… How about…
The 90-day seminar is packed with content. It contains 6 content modules, over 12 hours of audio professional insight (1 hour a week), over 60 daily insight messages, 6 – 50 minute personal Executive Coaching sessions with Daniel, 6 group sessions and LOADS OF BONUS CONTENT!
We have the technical knowledge for you, but that is all over the internet.
What we offer with the Full Metal Foundations: 90-Day Transformational Seminar IS HOW TO GET YOU THERE.
Prepare for growth on a level you have never experienced.
The program is not for everyone, and not for every life phase. While the work load is low, it is intended to achieve one thing… GROWTH… A LIFETIME OF GROWTH! as such a, curious mindset is required.
Receive the Wax on/ Wax Off training that build the foundations for LEADERSHIP.
Since this is a foundational course, the knowledge and enlightenment you receive can be applied to ANY goal.
Business Goals? ABSOLUTELY! Social Goals? YOU BET YA! Inner development? Unequivocally!
The Full Metal Foundations: 90-day Transformational Seminar takes advantage of our natural inner growth processes and delves deep into the topics of enlightenment, contentment, goal accomplishment, perception, praxis, and business.
Come for the Growth, Enlightenment, and Wealth Mindset… STAY FOR THE PERCEPTION!
Bonus content includes: Book recommendations; Extra activities you can perform to accelerate your growth even further; Bonus videos on the topics of wealth mindset; leadership and more; A selection of resources for starting a business (including a checklist!); and more!
Daniel’s life is a testament to this process. It is the formula that brought him up from flunk to flourish. Daniel has applied this formula time and time again to overcome nearly any obstacle, gain a life time of leadership experience, and grow beyond all measure.
Full Metal Foundations teaches far more then just principles of growth; it is intended to be the soil for a life time of growth. It represents layered teachings. The primary purpose of the Full Metal Foundations: 90-day Transformational Seminar is to instill foundational principles that transformed Daniels life and helped him achieve seemingly impossible goals. That being said, several other areas are also taught, sometimes hidden right before your eyes.
The seminar truly is an opus of lessons and teachings. Many different topics are taught along the way. Including business, wealth generation, expression, attraction, and perception.
The seminar is an adventure of sounds and sights. The Full Metal Foundations: Transformational Seminar includes themed sounds and music that enrich each lesson. Along with the auditory adventure is the perceptual adventure which features handcrafted art throughout. Culminating into an adventure of growth and intrigue.
People sometimes have a hard time paying attention over time and they will find these additions helpful for their focus. The sights and sounds keep people focused and curious while teaching more subtle lessons of expression and perception.
The Full Metal Foundations: 90-day Transformational Seminar is a one-of-a-kind transformational experience focusing on basics of enlightenment, contentment and wealth. You won’t find this anywhere else.
The lessons are specially tailored to activate all areas of the mind and soul. The seminar begins immediately with an in-depth look into a history of “higher consciousness” and how we too can achieve a higher from of consciousness.
To fully completely the course, the seminar requires approximately 2 hours a week (NOT INCLUDING BONUS MATERIAL) to complete. Note: this does NOT include the hours of bonus materials and activities.
The Full Metal Foundations: 90-day Transformational Seminar requires an internet connection and can be done via smartphone, tablet or computer.